%0 Journal Article
	%A Zin Maw Tun and  Tun Lin Naing
	%D 2018
	%J International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 143, 2018
	%T Double Loop Control of H-Bridge DC Chopper Fed Permanent Magnet DC Motor Drives Using Low Cost Hardware
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/10009818
	%V 143
	%X This paper presents the two loop proportional integral (PI) controller for speed control of permanent magnet DC motor (PMDC) motor drive with H-bridge DC chopper. PMDC motors are widely used in many applications because of having a good performance and it is easy to apply the speed control. The speed can be adjusted by using armature voltage control as it had only the armature circuit. H-bridge DC chopper circuit is used to obtain the desired speed in any direction. In this system, the two loop PI controller is designed by using pole-zero cancellation method. The speed and current controller gains are considered depending on the sampling frequency of the microcontroller. An Arduino IO package is used to implement the control algorithm. Both simulation and experimental results are presented to prove the correctness of the mathematical model.
	%P 842 - 851