%0 Journal Article
	%A Mohammed Alonazi and  Natalia Beloff and  Martin White
	%D 2018
	%J International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 135, 2018
	%T MGAUM—Towards a Mobile Government Adoption and Utilization Model: The Case of Saudi Arabia
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/10008951
	%V 135
	%X This paper presents a proposal for a mobile government
adoption and utilization model (MGAUM), which is a framework
designed to increase the adoption rate of m-government services
in Saudi Arabia. Recent advances in mobile technologies such are
Mobile compatibilities, The development of wireless communication,
mobile applications and devices are enabling governments to
deliver services in new ways to citizens more efficiently and
economically. In the last decade, many governments around the
globe are utilizing these advances effectively to develop their next
generation of e-government services. However, a low adoption rate of
m-government services by citizens is a common problem in Arabian
countries, including Saudi Arabia. Yet, to our knowledge, very little
research has been conducted focused on understanding the factors
that influence citizen adoption of these m-government services in
this part of the world. A set of social, cultural and technological
factors have been identified in the literature, which has led to the
formulation of associated research questions and hypotheses. These
hypotheses will be tested on Saudi citizens using questionnaires and
interview methods based around the technology acceptance model.
A key objective of the MGAUM framework is to investigate and
understand Saudi citizens perception towards adoption and utilization
of m-government services.
	%P 459 - 466