%0 Journal Article
	%A Hechmi Saidi and  Noureddine Hamdi
	%D 2018
	%J International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 136, 2018
	%T Performance Analysis of a Hybrid DF-AF Hybrid RF/FSO System under Gamma Gamma Atmospheric Turbulence Channel Using MPPM Modulation
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/10008906
	%V 136
	%X The performance of hybrid amplify and forward -
decode and forward (AF-DF) hybrid radio frequency/free space
optical (RF/FSO) communication system, that adopts M-ary pulse
position modulation (MPPM) techniques, is analyzed. Both exact
and approximate symbol-error rates (SERs) are derived. The random
variations of the received optical irradiance, produced by the
atmospheric turbulence, is modeled by the gamma-gamma (GG)
statistical distribution. A closed-form expression for the probability
density function (PDF) is derived for the whole above system
is obtained. Thanks to the use of hybrid AF-DF hybrid RF/FSO
configuration and MPPM, the effects of atmospheric turbulence is
mitigated; hence the capacity of combating atmospheric turbulence
and the transmissitted signal quality are improved.
	%P 260 - 265