%0 Journal Article
	%A Li Ni and  Pen ManMan and  Li KenLi
	%D 2016
	%J International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 119, 2016
	%T Chemical Reaction Algorithm for Expectation Maximization Clustering
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/10005880
	%V 119
	%X Clustering is an intensive research for some years
because of its multifaceted applications, such as biology, information
retrieval, medicine, business and so on. The expectation maximization
(EM) is a kind of algorithm framework in clustering methods, one
of the ten algorithms of machine learning. Traditionally, optimization
of objective function has been the standard approach in EM. Hence,
research has investigated the utility of evolutionary computing and
related techniques in the regard. Chemical Reaction Optimization
(CRO) is a recently established method. So the property embedded
in CRO is used to solve optimization problems. This paper presents
an algorithm framework (EM-CRO) with modified CRO operators
based on EM cluster problems. The hybrid algorithm is mainly
to solve the problem of initial value sensitivity of the objective
function optimization clustering algorithm. Our experiments mainly
take the EM classic algorithm:k-means and fuzzy k-means as an
example, through the CRO algorithm to optimize its initial value, get
K-means-CRO and FKM-CRO algorithm. The experimental results
of them show that there is improved efficiency for solving objective
function optimization clustering problems.
	%P 1983 - 1987