%0 Journal Article
	%A K. B. Vinay and  K. G. Vismay and  S. Kasturirengan and  G. A. Vivek
	%D 2015
	%J International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 108, 2015
	%T Experimental Investigation on Activated Carbon Based Cryosorption Pump
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/10002796
	%V 108
	%X Cryosorption pumps are considered safe, quiet, and
ultra-high vacuum production pumps which have their application
from Semiconductor industries to ITER [International Thermonuclear
Experimental Reactor] units. The principle of physisorption of gases
over highly porous materials like activated charcoal at cryogenic
temperatures (below -1500°C) is involved in determining the
pumping speed of gases like Helium, Hydrogen, Argon, and
Nitrogen. This paper aims at providing detailed overview of
development of Cryosorption pump and characterization of different
activated charcoal materials that optimizes the performance of the
pump. Different grades of charcoal were tested in order to determine
the pumping speed of the pump and were compared with
commercially available Varian cryopanel. The results for bare panel,
bare panel with adhesive, cryopanel with pellets, and cryopanel with
granules were obtained and compared. The comparison showed that
cryopanel adhered with small granules gave better pumping speeds
than large sized pellets.
	%P 1329 - 1334