%0 Journal Article
	%A Jaemoon Lim
	%D 2015
	%J International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 104, 2015
	%T A Consideration on the Offset Frontal Impact Modeling Using Spring-Mass Model
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/10001779
	%V 104
	%X To construct the lumped spring-mass model
considering the occupants for the offset frontal crash, the SISAME
software and the NHTSA test data were used. The data on 56 kph 40%
offset frontal vehicle to deformable barrier crash test of a MY2007
Mazda 6 4-door sedan were obtained from NHTSA test database. The
overall behaviors of B-pillar and engine of simulation models agreed
very well with the test data. The trends of accelerations at the driver
and passenger head were similar but big differences in peak values.
The differences of peak values caused the large errors of the HIC36
and 3 ms chest g’s. To predict well the behaviors of dummies, the
spring-mass model for the offset frontal crash needs to be improved.
	%P 1453 - 1458