%0 Journal Article
	%A Gavin J. Baxter and  Mark H. Stansfield
	%D 2015
	%J International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 97, 2015
	%T Organisational Blogging: Reviewing Its Effectiveness as an Organisational Learning Tool
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/10000112
	%V 97
	%X This paper reviews the internal use of blogs and their
potential effectiveness as organisational learning tools. Since the
emergence of the concept of ‘Enterprise 2.0’ there remains a lack of
empirical evidence associated with how organisations are applying
social media tools and whether they are effective towards supporting
organisational learning. Surprisingly, blogs, one of the more
traditional social media tools, still remains under-researched in the
context of ‘Enterprise 2.0’ and organisational learning. The aim of
this paper is to identify the theoretical linkage between blogs and
organisational learning in addition to reviewing prior research on
organisational blogging exploring why this area remains underresearched.
Through a literature review, one of the principal findings
of this paper is that organisational blogs have a mutual compatibility
with the interpretivist aspect of organisational learning. This paper
further advocates that further empirical work in this subject area is
required to substantiate this theoretical assumption.

	%P 50 - 54