%0 Journal Article
	%A A. Korchunov and  M. Chukin and  N. Koptseva and  M. Polyakova and  A. Gulin
	%D 2012
	%J International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 72, 2012
	%T Forming of Nanodimentional Structure Parts in Carbon Steels
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/7705
	%V 72
	%X A way of achieving nanodimentional structural elements in high carbon steel by special kind of heat treatment and cold plastic deformation is being explored. This leads to increasing interlamellar spacing of ferrite-carbide mixture. Decreasing the interlamellar spacing with cooling temperature increasing is determined. Experiments confirm such interlamellar spacing with which high carbon steel demonstrates the highest treatment and hardening capability. Total deformation degree effect on interlamellar spacing value in a ferrite-carbide mixture is obtained. Mechanical experiments results show that high carbon steel after heat treatment and repetitive cold plastic deformation possesses high tensile strength and yield strength keeping good percentage elongation.

	%P 2804 - 2807