%0 Journal Article
	%A Bubaker M. F. Bushofa and  Abdel Hafez A. Azab
	%D 2010
	%J International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 47, 2010
	%T Simulating Discrete Time Model Reference Adaptive Control System with Great Initial Error
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/5236
	%V 47
	%X This article is based on the technique which is called
Discrete Parameter Tracking (DPT). First introduced by A. A. Azab
[8] which is applicable for less order reference model. The order of
the reference model is (n-l) and n is the number of the adjustable
parameters in the physical plant.
The technique utilizes a modified gradient method [9] where the
knowledge of the exact order of the nonadaptive system is not
required, so, as to eliminate the identification problem. The
applicability of the mentioned technique (DPT) was examined
through the solution of several problems.
This article introduces the solution of a third order system with
three adjustable parameters, controlled according to second order
reference model. The adjustable parameters have great initial error
which represent condition.
Computer simulations for the solution and analysis are provided
to demonstrate the simplicity and feasibility of the technique.
	%P 1635 - 1645