The Role of Immunogenic Adhesin Vibrio alginolyticus 49 k Da to Molecule Expression of Major Histocompatibility Complex on Receptors of Humpback Grouper Cromileptes altivelis
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33019
The Role of Immunogenic Adhesin Vibrio alginolyticus 49 k Da to Molecule Expression of Major Histocompatibility Complex on Receptors of Humpback Grouper Cromileptes altivelis

Authors: Uun Yanuhar


The purpose of research was to know the role of immunogenic protein of 49 kDa from V.alginolyticus which capable to initiate molecule expression of MHC Class II in receptor of Cromileptes altivelis. The method used was in vivo experimental research through testing of immunogenic protein 49 kDa from V.alginolyticus at Cromileptes altivelis (size of 250 - 300 grams) using 3 times booster by injecting an immunogenic protein in a intramuscular manner. Response of expressed MHC molecule was shown using immunocytochemistry method and SEM. Results indicated that adhesin V.alginolyticus 49 kDa which have immunogenic character could trigger expression of MHC class II on receptor of grouper and has been proven by staining using immunocytochemistry and SEM with labeling using antibody anti MHC (anti mouse). This visible expression based on binding between epitopes antigen and antibody anti MHC in the receptor. Using immunocytochemistry, intracellular response of MHC to in vivo induction of immunogenic adhesin from V.alginolyticus was shown.

Keywords: C.altivelis, immunogenic, MHC, V.alginolyticus.

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