%0 Journal Article
	%A M. Rozanek and  K. Roubik
	%D 2008
	%J International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 23, 2008
	%T Design of the Mathematical Model of the Respiratory System Using Electro-acoustic Analogy
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/4607
	%V 23
	%X The article deals with development, design and
implementation of a mathematical model of the human respiratory
system. The model is designed in order to simulate distribution of
important intrapulmonary parameters along the bronchial tree such as
pressure amplitude, tidal volume and effect of regional mechanical
lung properties upon the efficiency of various ventilatory techniques.
Therefore exact agreement of the model structure with the lung
anatomical structure is required. The model is based on the lung
morphology and electro-acoustic analogy is used to design the
	%P 783 - 786