@article{(Open Science Index):https://publications.waset.org/pdf/1747,
	  title     = {Prediction of Soil Hydraulic Conductivity from Particle-Size Distribution},
	  author    = {A.F. Salarashayeri and  M. Siosemarde},
	  country	= {},
	  institution	= {},
	  abstract     = {Hydraulic conductivity is one parameter important for predicting the movement of water and contaminants dissolved in the water through the soil. The hydraulic conductivity is measured on soil samples in the lab and sometimes tests carried out in the field. The hydraulic conductivity has been related to soil particle diameter by a number of investigators. In this study, 25 set of soil samples with sand texture. The results show approximately success in predicting hydraulic conductivity from particle diameters data. The following relationship obtained from multiple linear regressions on data (R2 = 0.52): Where d10, d50 and d60, are the soil particle diameter (mm) that 10%, 50% and 60% of all soil particles are finer (smaller) by weight and Ks, saturated hydraulic conductivity is expressed in m/day. The results of regression analysis showed that d10 play a more significant role with respect to Ks, saturated hydraulic conductivity (m/day), and has been named as the effective parameter in Ks calculation.},
	    journal   = {International Journal of Geological and Environmental Engineering},
	  volume    = {6},
	  number    = {1},
	  year      = {2012},
	  pages     = {16 - 20},
	  ee        = {https://publications.waset.org/pdf/1747},
	  url   	= {https://publications.waset.org/vol/61},
	  bibsource = {https://publications.waset.org/},
	  issn  	= {eISSN: 1307-6892},
	  publisher = {World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology},
	  index 	= {Open Science Index 61, 2012},