%0 Journal Article
	%A Cha-Hwa Lin and  Je-Wei Hu
	%D 2008
	%J International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 18, 2008
	%T A Genetic Algorithm with Priority Selection for the Traveling Salesman Problem
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/14198
	%V 18
	%X The conventional GA combined with a local search
algorithm, such as the 2-OPT, forms a hybrid genetic algorithm(HGA)
for the traveling salesman problem (TSP). However, the geometric
properties which are problem specific knowledge can be used to
improve the search process of the HGA. Some tour segments (edges)
of TSPs are fine while some maybe too long to appear in a short tour.
This knowledge could constrain GAs to work out with fine tour
segments without considering long tour segments as often.
Consequently, a new algorithm is proposed, called intelligent-OPT
hybrid genetic algorithm (IOHGA), to improve the GA and the 2-OPT
algorithm in order to reduce the search time for the optimal solution.
Based on the geometric properties, all the tour segments are assigned
2-level priorities to distinguish between good and bad genes. A
simulation study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the
IOHGA. The experimental results indicate that in general the IOHGA
could obtain near-optimal solutions with less time and better accuracy
than the hybrid genetic algorithm with simulated annealing algorithm
	%P 1954 - 1964