%0 Journal Article
	%A Thomas I. Kounitis
	%D 2007
	%J International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 6, 2007
	%T Credit Spread Changes and Volatility Spillover Effects
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/14052
	%V 6
	%X The purpose of this paper is to investigate the
influence of a number of variables on the conditional mean and
conditional variance of credit spread changes. The empirical analysis
in this paper is conducted within the context of bivariate GARCH-in-
Mean models, using the so-called BEKK parameterization. We show
that credit spread changes are determined by interest-rate and equityreturn
variables, which is in line with theory as provided by the
structural models of default. We also identify the credit spread
change volatility as an important determinant of credit spread
changes, and provide evidence on the transmission of volatility
between the variables under study.
	%P 187 - 192