%0 Journal Article
	%A J. Silvestre and  L. Almeida and  R. Marau and  P. Pedreiras
	%D 2008
	%J International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 16, 2008
	%T MJPEG Real-Time Transmission in Industrial Environments Using a CBR Channel
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/13367
	%V 16
	%X Currently, there are many local area industrial networks
that can give guaranteed bandwidth to synchronous traffic, particularly
providing CBR channels (Constant Bit Rate), which allow
improved bandwidth management. Some of such networks operate
over Ethernet, delivering channels with enough capacity, specially
with compressors, to integrate multimedia traffic in industrial monitoring
and image processing applications with many sources. In
these industrial environments where a low latency is an essential
requirement, JPEG is an adequate compressing technique but it
generates VBR traffic (Variable Bit Rate). Transmitting VBR traffic
in CBR channels is inefficient and current solutions to this problem
significantly increase the latency or further degrade the quality. In
this paper an R(q) model is used which allows on-line calculation of
the JPEG quantification factor. We obtained increased quality, a lower
requirement for the CBR channel with reduced number of discarded
frames along with better use of the channel bandwidth.
	%P 694 - 699