Re-Thinking Knowledge-Based Management
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33017
Re-Thinking Knowledge-Based Management

Authors: Harri Laihonen, Antti Lönnqvist


This paper challenges the relevance of knowledgebased management research by arguing that the majority of the literature emphasizes information and knowledge provision instead of their business usage. For this reason the related processes are considered valuable and eligible as such, which has led to overlapping nature of knowledge-based management disciplines. As a solution, this paper turns the focus on the information usage. Value of knowledge and respective management tasks are then defined by the business need and the knowledge-user becomes the main actor. The paper analyses the prevailing literature streams and recognizes the need for a more focused and robust understanding of knowledgebased value creation. The paper contributes by synthetizing the existing literature and pinpointing the essence of knowledge-based management disciplines.

Keywords: Knowledge-based, knowledge management, value creation.

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