@article{(Open Science Index):https://publications.waset.org/pdf/1098,
	  title     = {The Study of using Public Participation Geographic Information System in Indigenous Mapping},
	  author    = {Yungchien Cheng and  Chienmin Chu},
	  country	= {},
	  institution	= {},
	  abstract     = {Current practice of indigenous Mapping production based on GIS, are mostly produced by professional GIS personnel. Given such persons maintain control over data collection and authoring, it is possible to conceive errors due to misrepresentation or cognitive misunderstanding, causing map production inconsistencies. In order to avoid such issues, this research into tribal GIS interface focuses not on customizing interfaces for individual tribes, but rather generalizing the interface and features based on indigenous tribal user needs. The methods employed differs from the traditional expert top-down approach, and instead gaining deeper understanding into indigenous Mappings and user needs, prior to applying mapping techniques and feature development.
	    journal   = {International Journal of Civil and Architectural Engineering},
	  volume    = {6},
	  number    = {3},
	  year      = {2012},
	  pages     = {410 - 412},
	  ee        = {https://publications.waset.org/pdf/1098},
	  url   	= {https://publications.waset.org/vol/63},
	  bibsource = {https://publications.waset.org/},
	  issn  	= {eISSN: 1307-6892},
	  publisher = {World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology},
	  index 	= {Open Science Index 63, 2012},