Domain Knowledge Representation through Multiple Sub Ontologies: An Application Interoperability
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33019
Domain Knowledge Representation through Multiple Sub Ontologies: An Application Interoperability

Authors: Sunitha Abburu, Golla Suresh Babu


The issues that limit application interoperability is lack of common vocabulary, common structure, application domain knowledge ontology based semantic technology provides solutions that resolves application interoperability issues. Ontology is broadly used in diverse applications such as artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, biomedical, information integration, etc. Ontology can be used to interpret the knowledge of various domains. To reuse, enrich the available ontologies and reduce the duplication of ontologies of the same domain, there is a strong need to integrate the ontologies of the particular domain. The integrated ontology gives complete knowledge about the domain by sharing this comprehensive domain ontology among the groups. As per the literature survey there is no well-defined methodology to represent knowledge of a whole domain. The current research addresses a systematic methodology for knowledge representation using multiple sub-ontologies at different levels that addresses application interoperability and enables semantic information retrieval. The current method represents complete knowledge of a domain by importing concepts from multiple sub ontologies of same and relative domains that reduces ontology duplication, rework, implementation cost through ontology reusability.

Keywords: Knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation, knowledge transfer, ontologies, semantics.

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